Engine Department
DRIVE LINE SERVICE S.p.A. is able to carry out the overhaul of internal combustion engines, including CNG engines, of any make and model, for road, marine and railway vehicles, as well as on stationary sets.
The Engine Department assets a very modern and functional equipped with:
- test bench for engines from 50 HP to 500 HP,
- test bench for engines from 50 HP to 2,000 HP,
- smoke opacity control,
- fuel consumption measuring device,
- PC-based data acquisition system. The system is able to completely manage the operation of external instruments, such as power supply, brake and actuator, and to acquire the following 16 thermodynamic dimensions needed for processing the test results:
- Torque
- n ° 6 Temperatures [0 ÷ 1000 ° C]
- n ° 6 Pressures
- Ambient temperature [0 ÷ 100 ° C]
- Atmospheric pressure [800 ÷ 1200mbar]
The Engine Department is also equipped with complete equipment for the disassembly, overhaul and assembly ofthe engines, as well as the Easy Skite advanced diagnosis tool, which uses endoscopic technologies to view and quickly and accurately diagnose motors (and more) without having to disassemble them. The “NIKOR-USB compact 16C” microprocessor acquisition system has the following software and hardware features:
- load cell acquisition (from microGICO),
- acquisition of rpm’s (from microGICO),
- c alculation of real power and corrected power,
- alarm management set by PC on all acquired quantities with hardware outputs for primary and secondary alarms,
- alarm management from outside,
- setting units of measure for rpm, torque and power,
- mechanical correction coefficient setting,
- load cell full scale setting,
- manual storage of work points.
The data acquired during the tests are saved and then processed by the NIKOR software both in “tabular” form.
DRIVE LINE SERVICE is able to repair, overhaul and bench test engines fueled by methane as well.
To this end, it made a series of infrastructural investments to:
- create a methane fuel system compliant with technical and legal regulations, as well as with the prescriptions of the Fire Brigade;
- ensure the detection of methane gas in the engine room;
- adapt the smoke extraction system;
- implement data acquisition sensors compliant to the test bench management software.